Friday 3 February 2012


 Flight into Fantasy  ( in progress)

"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep." --E. Joseph Cossman

I often work late into the night in my studio - how about you?  How often have you been working on a creation and hit a brick wall?  That disheartening moment when things just don't look right or won't fall into place?  You think you've tried all the angles, you move fabrics around, you re-stitch and unpick threads - you're stymied -  frustrated to hell! You want to keep going but you are weary of it all.  You finally say   "ENOUGH"  - I just can't look at this another minute and I'm getting no where fast.  You tidy up a little, head toward the light switch and yes, you do take that one last glance over your shoulder at the demon piece, before closing up for the night.  Perhaps, like me, you lay in bed still mentally trying to fathom out what either went wrong or what needs to be done, until you finally give in, drifting off into the arms of Morpheus.
Morning - you walk into the studio, still in your jammies - you look on the work wall or the table,  and as sure as the sun rises - there's a " eureka moment" and it all falls into place.
Ah, sweet sleep, how it nourishes our bodies and souls.


  1. How true!3 am in the studio is no stranger to me!LOVE this piece. the colors are woncerful and it has such a special glow. Did you paint the background? Lovely.

  2. Thanks Stephanie. It's under construction and will probably go through several changes yet (-:
    The background fabric is a sun print from S. Africa. The cotton fabric is painted with a light sensitive dye. Then leaves, etc. are placed on the fabric to create the pattern. After that, they are placed in the sun for several hours and later the leaves etc. are removed to reveal the patterned cloth. I purchased this from a co-operative that gives meaningful work to women while being sensitive to environmental issues.

  3. Leonie,
    I am smitten by this piece I want to visit the land where your fairy resides! This is wonderful work that gives us all a respite. I know your fingers "feel" differently!

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