Sunday 26 February 2012

Thinking and Refocussing.

A while ago I came across a blog that caught my attention.  I bookmarked it and from time to time I check it out to see what's new. It is not a textile site but certainly relates to thinking, creativity and productivity which of course,in turn, relates to our artistic endeavours.
At first glance I rather saw it as kind of a " new age" type of site but in fact the couple who run it do come up with some very stimulating and thought provoking topics and ideas and I find myself heading back to their site a little more often.
Their most recent post, " 40 Photo Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind"
proved to be quite interesting .  For me personally, I didn't find the photos as fascinating as I did the actual questions which really do give one food for thought. I found myself answering the questions out loud as I scrolled down the offering, which is something I rarely do. It set some wheels in motion which of course, is what was intended!
I'm sharing the link for what it might be worth to you:

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